Sunday, January 29, 2012

Whats with the dominoes pizza coupons , why cant they just keep it a regular price ? id never pay full price )

LIKE seriously why even bother posting this question, if you aren't willing to pay full price but you want them to keep it at a regular price your a total n00b.

Businesses need to keep a regular amount of customers interested in their products i.e being pizza! to do this they advertise their products in form of a coupon thus giving their customer and potential customers an opportunity to get their product at a lower cost than usual, usually targetting the cheap asses and people who want a good deal for their money! so as you can see dominoes pizza coupons are necessary for the process of the business running as they will have loads of other types of media sources out there but coupons are just awesum k, enough said.

%26lt;3 Mr.Wedge pizza%26lt;3

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