Thursday, February 16, 2012

How do i get the lizard on pizza quest 77 to calm down so I can get the coupon?

I never played pizza quest. Can you give a link?

Thanks for the link.

this might help.

1. Unplug the lava lamp by clicking it. (At this point it will be too hot to take, so just wait for further instructions on the lamp)

2.Remember the bookshelf with the records that you got money from? Well click that record.

3. Click the record player to put the record on.

4. Click the record player again to pick it up.

5. Click the outlet to the left of the couch to plug in the record player.

6. Find the robot under the skateboard to the left of the dryer and click him.

7. Click the record player to put him there.

8. Now click the middle of the record to change the color to green.

9. Click the needle to turn it on.

10. Go back to the lava lamp now.

11. Wait til all the bubbles have diminished, then click to pick it up.

12. Go to the lizards cage now and click the coupon inside to place the lava lamp there.

13.Wait about one minute for the lamp to heat up and the lizards eyes to spiral.

14. Click the coupon under the lamp.How do i get the lizard on pizza quest 77 to calm down so I can get the coupon?
ok all the answers are at the bottom...i'm sure you saw that i did what the person who 1st answered you instructed and it didn't work...i'm sure neither one of us was helpful sorry...great game tho
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