Thursday, February 16, 2012

So, am I just REALLY paranoid or is he at all (maybe a tiny bit?) into me? What should I do to pursue this?

Well, I'll start it really cliche: so theres this boy...

Anywho, I kind of like him, maybe, but I am really shy. When I see him and I kind of acknowledge him, he says something and then adds my name. I know that this is not a big thing, but I really have no idea what the signs are. I mean, I'm not good friends with him, but he says my name, once my first and last.Well, this is just recentlyish but it's just a change from how he normally acts.Look up for "?"

Example:the day before this, there was a pizza coupon that our group had given his as a joke because they stole a piece of our pizza and that saturday, I saw him at a band competition and though, of course I knew he was there(kinda liked him), we aren't friends so I didnt really say hi or anything and he just said "*first name* *last name*, I just wanted to thank you for the coupons and now I wont have to eat out of the garbage!" I said something stupid but it was really random and kinda akward.Again, the question is upward.So, am I just REALLY paranoid or is he at all (maybe a tiny bit?) into me? What should I do to pursue this?
He remembers your name, so that's a good sign. Just ask him to eat with you at lunch or ask him for help with some schoolwork that you know he's good at. Depending on his response, you'll know whether he is into you or not. If he says no or makes and excuse and doesn't offer an alternative, then he's not. If he says yes, or can't go but offers a different day/time then he's into you.So, am I just REALLY paranoid or is he at all (maybe a tiny bit?) into me? What should I do to pursue this?
he has to be. now act like it.So, am I just REALLY paranoid or is he at all (maybe a tiny bit?) into me? What should I do to pursue this?
You're *really* overthinking this. Ask the little twerp out. What's the worst that will happen? You'll have another crush in a week. You have to keep this stuff in perspective.
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