Thursday, February 23, 2012

Can you give me legal advice?

The following is a hypothetical situation:

Let's say that I work at an office, and my boss ordered eight pizzas for an office party we are having tonight. When the pizza boy got there, he would not give my boss the discount from a coupon that he had. My boss is a little dramatic, so he locked the delivery boy in our conference room until he decides to give us the discount.

I am just an accountant there, and I had nothing to do with locking the boy in the room, so I was wondering if I could get arrested. If I can, then I am going to leave. What should I do?

Remember, this is hypothetical.Can you give me legal advice?
ya i would say so cuz it be like kidnapping i mean the boy doesnt know he coult think u were on to this also or ur boss can turn on u said u were involved in this.

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