Thursday, February 23, 2012

I made a fake coupon and somebody used it and it worked ? HELP?

Ok i made a fake coupon to prank my friend at school that said like you get a free slice of pizza, she didnt believe me so i just told her the truth that it wasnt real, she gave it to some random guys at my school and i told them its fake but they still used them and they worked would i get in trouble if i just did it to prank my friend and i WARNED the boys that they were fake?I made a fake coupon and somebody used it and it worked ? HELP?
Thats hilarious, please make more and sell them! ...but for real youre NOT going to get in trouble and probably no one is even going to find out.I made a fake coupon and somebody used it and it worked ? HELP?
Not if you tell the truth. Its the lunch ladys fault for being stupid.

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