Sunday, February 26, 2012

What would you have done in this situation?

Several years back, I ordered a pizza over the phone. I waited about 1/2 hour, anxiously licking my chops. I was starving! Suddenly, there came a knock at the door. It was a guy with a pizza in his hand. But wait! It wasn't from the place I ordered a pizza from. It was from a major pizza delivery service. The guy asked for the money, and I told him: " Hey, I didn't order from you guys"! Bullsh*t! The guy shouted. You'd better cough up the money now.! I restated myself, but he just stood there cursing at me for 5 minutes. Finally, my mother came to the door, and got involved. We showed the guy the coupon from the pizza place we ordered from, and he finally backed off. Afterwards, I called the his manager and complained. What would you have done?What would you have done in this situation?
Taken the pizza and paid for it.
Slam the door in his face.What would you have done in this situation?
You did what I would have done.
I would have done exactly what you did.What would you have done in this situation? many options!

I would've slammed the door in his face as soon as he started ranting on and on!

Or slugged him (he's not supposed to be there-trespasser!) and then take the pizza.

Either that or ask to see the pizza, then take it! (hey, he went to the wrong house, remember?)

Now if he would've been a bit more polite, I might consider calling the delivery service he worked for and given him new directions, but he just had to be rude!
Why are you still worrying about this "several years" later?

Get over it... move on... it's just pizza.
I would have done the same.. but without the shouting..
hit the bottom of the box up hard and shut the door.
Honestly? Flipped the pizza onto the grass and slammed the door in his face after releasing the hounds.

You did the right thing. Heck, you should have gotten a free pizza (or 5 ) out of the deal.
ll just shout so much that the whole builiding come running to my steps.%26amp; then insult the boy infront of all of them so much they he ll just wish he had died there.Or just Pick that pizza %26amp; throw that in his face.Slamming the door on his face seems a fine idea too.
Well calling in and making a complaint is really all you could have done. But I had a bad experience with a Pizza Co and well making a complaint was a waste of time.
I would've started a pizza fight with all them fools.
Do you suspect that the pizza was poisoned and that he was trying to kill you? You have not stopped thinking about it for 7 years: is this because you fear that he may try again? Are you asking whether you should have killed him while you had the chance?

Yes, refusing the pizza and phoning his manager to complain was the right thing to do.
Ask him politely to leave, close the door in his face (and lock it) and then call the police and tell them someone is trespassing on your property.

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